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Marketing - Manor Cottage Studios

Communication Cycle Management © (CCM) is the concept of developing a plan to ensure that the marketing will retain current business and gain new business is ongoing.

Communication Cycle Management ©

It helps minimise the continual need for the management in a company to be always developing new campaigns and having to work on the next marketing project. All work is measured to allow refinements to be ongoing and profitable areas to be exploited.

A CCM plan should be implemented by an external company so that, for example, busy periods in a company do not lead to everyone being pulled off to marketing to handle orders – as this leads to continual ups and downs in the order cycle.

The plan should also lead to information being fed back to the client to improve the product and service offering

CCM plans typically consists of four parts.

  • The first part is an ongoing project to monitor the business to ensure current customers are happy, enquiries are fulfilled and research is gleaned to improve products and services. This is done through Customer Satisfaction Questionnaires.
  • The second part is a pre-programmed monthly action to ensure that customers do not “fall off our radar and disappear”.
  • The third part is a monthly (or as frequently as required) action to build new business, cross-sell to existing customers and test new business areas.
  • The fourth part is optimising the information in the pack that goes to customers with orders

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