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Teachings from angels Anne Hassett

February 2012

From The Angels

I, Archangel Raziel greet you !

You are alive at a time of massive change and MIRACLES on planet Earth. You have chosen to be here for this. Do you wonder why the planet is so overcrowded at this time ? It is because so many of you want to be here for what has been described as The Shift of Ages; the long prophesied time of change.

Your consciousness in rising, you are 're-membering'(re-cognising) your inherent powers. So many of you are becoming more clairvoyant and more psychic on so many different levels. Some of you are remembering your power to heal. You also may be more aware of your power to manifest.

At this time, because of the powerful energies entering your atmosphere from way out in the cosmos, your DNA is changing and your brains are being , as it were, 're-wired'. This may be uncomfortable for you are times. You may have unfamiliar aches and pains, you may hear buzzing or ringing sounds in your ears, flashes of light in your peripheral vision, or even visions of angels or beings. All this is in perfect accord with the changes. Do not be alarmed.

Your powers of manifestation, which you lost over the ages past, are returning. You are reclaiming your Divine Birthright. Have you noticed that this year, you only have to think of something and it occors (good and bad) or you think of a person and they either appear or they get in touch with you. This should be proof to you that something is, indeed, shifting.

So, it behoves you to be extra careful with your thoughts, your words and with what you wish for. You are re-connecting in a stronger way with your power to create.

Not only can you create for yourself, but your thoughts about the world at large have a huge effect. Try not to read the newspapers or watch the fear and dread that is being spread by the media, think of the good that is happening. Find it, talk about it, write about it in your social media. You can have such an effect. You are part of the collective consciousness; you are not an isolated individual. You are connected to, and part of, the whole. What you think and wish for and believe affects everyone.

Play your part. Think GOOD. Think LOVE. Think PEACE. Think ABUNDANCE for all. Think COMPASSION. SPREAD THE WORD !!!

YOU CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE. Indeed, you do make a difference whether you know it or not, so be conscious. Make conscious effort to send only positive thoughts into the grid of collective thought; the matrix that is humankind.

Be the magic. And remember to relax and have fun. You do not have to strive to change things, all you have to do is change your thoughts. We, the angels are aligning more and more with you as your vibrations change.

See you around !.........very soon.

With much love to you.