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Teachings from Angels Anne Hassett

October 2011

From Arch Angel Raziel

Greetings from the realm of the Archangels. I Raziel, am the archangel of Magic, Alchemy, Intuition, Clairvoyance and Psychic abilities. You can call on me at ay time if you need help with big changes in your life. I can help you through Alchemy to turn the base metal of limitation and negativity in your life, to that of the gold of transformation and the gold of your true nature.

I say your true nature, for you are far more powerful than you realise and you do not acknowledge the amazing powers and God-given gifts that you possess. You are a part of God, a child of The Most High. You do not need to live in fear and limitation. Call on me to help you to make that leap into a new paradigm in your life. As you change, because you are part of the whole, part of the great entity that is mankind, you help to change the whole too, it can not be otherwise.

Now is a time on your planet, as never before, when people everywhere are waking up and reclaiming their God-ness; they are remembering who they are. Huge waves of cosmic light pour in from the centre of the galaxy. This is all part of the Divine plan for the salvation of mankind. It has been forecast and prophesied for many millenia. You live in a time of great change and great opportunity. More souls are here on the planet at this time than there have been in many former times. In fact, the planet is rather overcrowded ! Everyone wants to be here to engage in this momentous event.

Focus now on your souls process, put everything else to the back of your mind. Go about your daily activities and do the best you can with whatever is before you. Whatever you do, do not focus on fear, scarcity or lack. You live in a plentiful universe, whatever the media tries to tell you.

You are creators. Create a new paradigm with the almighty power of your minds. Visulaise good. Visualise all that you wish to see for the planets future. Call upon me and on all of the angelic realm to assist you and to add our energy to your visions.

Mankind is about to take a great leap forward. Celebrate. Rejoice.