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Monhtly Meditation Anne Hassett

January Meditation

I am leaving this same meditation in for February too as I think it is a very important and empowering meditation

I am not just being lazy! It is a great meditation to open the heart and to send love out into the planetary grid.

We live in a time of untold change on our planet, this shift or change is rapidly accelerating as we move towards the predicted Ascension and 2012.

It is important that we, who work with the Light, are aware and focussed. In our mediatations and prayers we can do so much to help lift the consciousness of mankind.

The following is a very simple yet hugely powerful exercise.

The human heart is 100 times more electrically powerful than the brain and 5,000 times more magnetically powerful than the brain. OUR HEART is the seat of our power.

The 'AH' sound is the sound of the heart chakra and sounding that note not only helps ourselves individually, but the sound ranges out on subtle levels for miles (one scientist says 2 miles) around and touches everything.The 'AH' sound is the sound and vibration of LOVE.

So sit quietly in whatever position is comfortable for you. Shut out all the busy chatter of the mind and take a few nice deep breaths. Focus on your breathing for a few minutes. Breathe in , hold for the count of five, breathe out, hold for the count of five and repeat this four or five times. Don't strain.

Then bring your attention to your heart chakra, see it glowing in the centre of your chest.Then chant the 'Ah' sound at least seven times.

Doesn't it feel good?

Do this many times during the day, with the intention of sending out the frequencies of love and light to all other hearts around the world. It is powerful, easy and doesn't take much time. And as you do it, you are raising your own frequencies all the time. You will feel the difference in a very short space of time.

Take a look at The Institute of HeartMath website for some interesting facts about the heart, interconnectedness and coherence. You'll find some fascinating bits of information there.