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Acushlas Journal Anne Hassett

May - June 2012

Its been an exciting month of May so far, I had a great trip to Denmark. Julie and I have now almost the full compliment of people for our Tuscany Retreat in June and are so-o-o looking forward to it.

There is a lot of activity around my new novel. It is being considered for a TV series (fingers crosssed) I have put a little about it below and on The Book of The Month page too. A bit of self promotion never does any harm !!

Have you all noticed what amazing times we are going through? I notice that the majority of my clients are going through major change and lots of soul searching. Its as is if we have to really take a long hard look now at what we wish to take into the future with us and we have to dump the baggage and travel light.

For many, it seems to be a time of old doors closing and new doors opening. A wise Chinese friend of mine also says that it is ' a bad year for the bad people and a good year for the good people!' . True for many, but not all......yet !

Karma is really kicking in and so much bad karma coming to an end.