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Book of the month Anne Hassett

Fractal Time

The Secret of 2012 and a New World Age

By Gregg Braden.

December 21st 2012 has been prophesied by so many and for such a long time, to herald the end of a long cycle of time, a great world age that began 5125 yeras ago.The date also coincides with the end of a 26,000 year period. Predictions of what follows range from an era of chaos and destruction to a thousand years of peace and cooperation.

Gregg Braden offers a realistc window into what you can expect in 2012 as he explains :

* The ancient science of cycles

* Past dates that may hold the secret of 2012

* Braden's Time Code calculator

*How to find your personal life cycles of love, betrayal and success.

As I have since lent my book to a friend and it hasn't , as yet, been returned, I can't give you the ISBN number, but all you have to do is google it or just go on

I know you will love it !