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Monthly Meditation Anne Hassett

July Meditation

Chakra Empowering Meditation

Find a comfortable place to sit. You can sit on a chair or anywhere which is comfortable for you. You do not have to get into the lotus position or anything like that. Get settled. Be very aware of your body and let go of any tension you are holding. Then observe your breathing. As you breathe in, imagine that you are breathing in Light and, as you breathe out, breathe out all the negativities and worries of your life, see this as black smoke and let it go. Do this for a few minutes.

Now bring your attention to your Base Chakra (at the base of your spine) and see it fill with light and energy, see this energy as a clear bright red. Then move your attention to the Sacral Chakra, a few inches above the base and see the light of clear bright orange.

Now move up to the Solar Plexus Chakra which is , naturally , at your Solar plexus. This is now filling with a clear bright yellow light. Then take your attention to your Heart Chakra in the middle of your chest. Here is a bright green light tinged with golden sparkles. Then take the attention to the Throat Chakra and see it fill with beautiful blue light.

Next, move up to the Third Eye Chakra, which is situated in the middle of your forehead and see it fill with Indigo/ purple light. And, finally, imagine that at your Crown Chakra, which is located right on the top of your head in the centre, there is a bright violet light and this is where your connection to Source/God/ All-that-is lies.

Keep breathing gently and be aware of all your chakras now pulsing with the different rainbow coloured lights. Feel all around you that there is a white light emanating from your body and going out about 10 inches from you all around you. See yourself as a beautiful Being of Light. Remember your connection to the Divine, remember the Divine within you.

Now send Love and Light and Blessings out in all directions to bless all. This light which emanates from you brings blessings to others and at the same time blesses you too and attracts positive energies and happenings into your life.

Sit for as long as you please with these thoughts and ideas and then when you wish to finish your meditation, bring your attention to your feet, if you are sitting on a chair, or to the base of your spine if you are sitting cross legged on the floor , and imagine strong roots going down from there into the Earth, earthing you and giving you strength. Imagine the strong energy of Mother Earth coming right up from there through all of your chakras, out through your crown chakra and out into the cosmos. As you breathe in and out bring the energy of the cosmos through you and down into the Earth, so that you become a conduit between Heaven and Earth. Feel the energy. Feel how empowered you become. Feel the Love and the Light.

When you feel like it , just bring your attention back to where you were before you started your meditation.

Doesn't that feel good?