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Monthly Meditations Anne Hassett

The Meditation

It links you up with your Higher Power/ Higher Self and also opens up the channels to raise the kundalini energy and thus improve clairvoyance and Psychic ability in general. It also promotes physical health, emotional balance and general well-being.

This 'meditation' involves chanting . Sound vibrations have a profound effect on us and when chanted will resonate inside the skull and out and about outside us and fill our energy field. I sometimes can hear tha echoes around my living room and they go on for some time , like the after-sound from a bell.

Start by getting comfortable. Sit up straight and have your feet on the floor. Keep the spine as straight as possible and uncross arms legs etc.Make sure that you will not be disturbed.

Start with the base chakra.(at the base of the spine) Visualise this chakra and see the colour RED. Make the sound as low as possible , the sound of UH. Do this three times and make the sound last for as long as possible.

Then the Sacral chakra, about five inches above the base chakra, see the colour ORANGE. Chant the soundOOh To Rhyme with YOU. Again three times.Do it S-l-o-w-l-y and let the sound resonate and reverberate.

Now to the Solar Plexus chakra. Visualise the colour yellow. And chant the sound OH. To rhyme with Slow.

Then to the Heart chakra. The colour to imagine is green and the sound is AH. The sound of Ah from the heart chakra can go out for at least two miles in all directions !!! Powerful. And it vibrates LOVE. To all.

Now go to the Throat chakra. The colour is Blue and the sound is EYE.

Next is the Third Eye chakra, right in the centre of your forehead. The clour is Indigo Blue and the sound to chant is Aye,(to rhyme with Hay or pay)

Then to the Crown Chakra. The clour is violet and the sound is E-e-e.... The higher up you go the higher the note should be.

Then imagine a space about 6 to 8 inches above your head , this is The chakra of your Higher Self and where you can make contact with all-that-is.The colour is a bright white light and the sound is Ohm or Aum.

After several days of doing this chanting meditation , you will begin to see and experience shifts in your awareness and an opening up of your senses. The kundalini energy at the base of the spine begins to shift and , of course, the more you do this meditation, the more you will have results.

Print this meditation off to take with you , you will soon get the hang of it and won't need to read these directions.