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Monthly Meditation Anne Hassett

Peace Meditation

You may want to record this and play it to yourself. Or else, memorise it.

Find a quiet and comfortable place to sit. Be still. Close your eyes and switch off all your attention from your everyday world. Take a few nice deep breaths. Be aware of your breath as it goes in and out. Do not strain, If any unwanted thoughts keep coming into your mind, do not fight them but see them pass through your awareness like goldfish swimming in a bowl. Let them float past, give them no attention.

After a few minutes of this, take your attention to your heart centre at the centre of your chest. See it as a little bright light, now see that light glowing and growing. See it grow to fill all your chest area, now see it grow to fill your entire body. Keep with this thought for a while, observing the light in every part of your physical being. Feel it permeate every atom of your being. Knowing as it does that this light heals you, regenerates you and youths you and fills fill every cell with positive energy and vitality.

After a few minutes of this, see the light now expanding out from your physical body....out to about 8 inches all around you. As it does so, it transmutes any negative energy, vibes or thought forms in your aura.

From your heart centre, now send this lovely light out from you to your space, wherever you are sitting. Then let it reach out into your neighbourhood, then out to the bigger area where you live , then to your country, your continent and finally out to the whole world. See this lovely light flow North, South, East and West to cover the entire planet.

Send light to the mineral kingdom, the plant kingdom, the animals, the creatures in the sea and all the little insects and all of nature.

Now send this light to the Spirit world , send it with gratitude and thanks for all the help that Spirit gives you. Link with your guides, the angels and the elementals. Tune in to your very own Higher Self and to All-That-Is. feel the peace. Breathe. be still.

Know that all is well.

Stay in this space for as long as you wish. Then slowly and thankfully come back to your bodily awareness and to your surroundings again.