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Book of the month Anne Hassett

October 2011


From Tragic to Magic

by Peter O Erbe.

I first bought this book in is still very much in print and apposite for this time we are now in. It reminded (re-minded) me of truths I already 'knew'.

He says... " it is the purpose of this material to develop the magnificent tool of True Perception, with which we align ourselves for the birth into the dawn of a new day in creation, the Age of Love"

He talks of understanding re-incarnation, what happens between incarnations and explains about our God-SELF and the Altered Ego. He discusses The Global Thoughtform, The Balance of Polarities, the Law of Supply and SELF-reliance.

Most of all, I have resonated with the very last chapter in his book, where he has many facts and figures regarding the coming Shift of Ages.